女王小说网 > 女王小说 > 人皆可奴(二-最终章)(9)


At around 4pm Carrie and Kelly got home and saw all that was going on. Carrie found Amber and asked "What the heck is going on." Amber replied "I took over a sorority its pretty awesome having all these slaves to do what I say." Carrie replied "Cool, can I use them too?" Amber then snapped her fingers and said "Slaves, this is Miss Carrie, you are to follow her commands as you follow mine." They all responded "Yes Miss Amber." And then they went back to work.?

This was one of the best nights of both Amber and Carrie's lives. They had only been at school for a week. What would the rest of school have in store for them?

Part 24

A week had past since Miss Amber had taken over Becky and her sorority. Now Amber did not have to have anything to do with going to school and she still got straight A's. Her days consisted of staying home and being pampered by her many slaves or going out shopping and spending as much money as she wanted, Miss Amber's bank account was almost unlimited now that she had money coming into it from so many different places. Carrie was also enjoying herself and she did not care what slaves she used. Kelly had just become another slave, and only Miss Amber made sure that little Shawna was serving her all the time. Kelly truly felt worthless.? nvwang.icu

It was now Tuesday 11am and Miss Amber was enjoying her morning pampering. Miss Amber looked hotter then ever, she was very beautiful and this spoiled life style only made her more beautiful. Miss Amber's usual morning pampering consisted of using a slave as her footstool, two slaves kneeling massaging and pedicuring her feet. Two slaves massaging her hands and manicuring them, a slave rubbing her back. A slave feeding her breakfast, and a slave holding a fashion magazine for her to read. Miss Amber had truly become royalty, and she knew it. On this particular day it turns out that Becky was acting as Miss Amber's footstool and Kelly and Shawna were perfectly pedicuring Miss Amber's feet. Usually Miss Amber did not notice or care who her slaves were, after all they were nothing more then tools that she used to make life easier. However today while she was reading her fashion magazine she took a glance down and saw Shawna and Kelly giving her a pedicure and it got her thinking. Shawna had willingly become her slave much like all of the other slaves from college, however Kelly was kind of forced into it because of the way she had treated Carrie. Amber further thought for once about if this was really the life Kelly really wanted to be living. After all up until recently Kelly was her best friend.?
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After she had had enough pampering it was now 1pm and decided now was as good a time as any to have a chat with Kelly. At this Miss Amber snapped her fingers and said "Shawna and Kelly up to my room now." They both responded "Yes Miss Amber" and crawled behind their mistress up the stairs to her room. Once they got into Miss Amber's room Amber sat down at her desk chair and ordered Shawna to be her footstool. Of course Shawna obeyed, she was just short of a zombie at this point, the only thing she knew how to do was obey Miss Amber. Kelly then remained in front of Miss Amber as a slave should awaiting Miss Amber's next command. The next thing that came out of Miss Amber's mouth was a shock to Kelly. Miss Amber said "So Kell, for a few minutes lets pretend that we are best friends again. I would like you to speak to me as my friend right now and not as my slave, answer my questions honestly. So how do you like being a slave?" Kelly a little surprised answered "Miss Amber do you remember when I first massaged your feet at Miss Carrie's house? That was the first moment in my life that I felt like I was doing something that I liked to do. I realized that much like Shawna here I was born to serve, and that when I acted dominant over Carrie it was just because I was afraid of who I truly was. But now I've come to grips with it and realize that my purpose in life is to do as you command Miss Amber." Amber not really surprised by Kelly's response was pleased, she just had to make sure because of what her and Kelly once were. Amber then asked "So you would do anything I told you to do with out question." Kelly replied "Absolutely Miss Amber." Amber very pleased with her response realized that Kelly was the perfect candidate for her first slave experiment.
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