女王小说网 > 女王小说 > 人皆可奴(二-最终章)(10)


To be continued (Suggestions welcomed please!)

Part 25

It had been weeks since Miss Amber and Miss Carrie had even seen each other, and even longer since they had spent any time together. This kind of bothered Miss Amber considering that it had been her who had literally given Carrie this life, and its about time something changed around here.

This is what Miss Amber was thinking as she was being driven back to her place from a nice relaxing afternoon of shopping. Miss Amber arrived at home and entered her house, there waiting on their hands and knees for her were her two now favorite slaves Shawna and Kelly. When they saw Miss Amber walk in they immediately leap into kissing her feet. Miss Amber then asked "little Shawna is Carrie home?" Shawna replied "Yes Miss Amber, she in lounging by the pool." Shawna went right back to kissing Miss Amber's beautifully pedicured feet. After enjoying a few more seconds of the slaves kissing her tired feet Miss Amber made her way back to the pool where Shawna had said Carrie was. When she arrived Miss Amber did not like what she saw at all, there sitting by the pool was Carrie and another girl that she did not know using her slaves. Miss Amber walked over and said "Carrie what the hell is going on here?" Carrie replied "Hey Amber long time no see, this is my friend Kate. I just invited her over to hang out and have some fun, you know." While Carrie was saying this Miss Amber was thinking that this was the last straw, not only had Carrie not spent any time with her, but she had replaced her with some girl named Kate. After thinking for awhile longer Miss Amber replied "You know Carrie I don't get it, after all I've done for you this is how you repay me? If your going to be making and spending time with new friends well than maybe its time that you found some where else to live?" Carrie replied "You can't be serious Amber, I'm just branching out." Miss Amber then said "Actually I am very serious, I have not seen you in forever and when was the last time we hung out?" All Carrie could say in reply was "but, Amb..." Miss Amber continued "BUT WHAT" Then she got a devilish grin on her face and said "The way I see it is that you have two choices. One you can move out and live on your own for the rest of you life or two you could stay here and earn your keep. Also Kate you are now involved so whatever decision Carrie makes impacts you too." Kate sat there with a dumb look on her face wondering what was going on Kate finally broke the silence when she said "Carrie what could be so bad about working here?" Kate really did have no idea what was going on. Miss Amber then said "You have one minute to make your decision Carrie." At that Carrie looked up with a very defeated look on her face and said "Alright we will stay." Miss Amber then replied "what was that?" Carrie replied "Miss Amber may Kate and I have permission to stay at your place and earn our keep?" Miss Amber then said "Yes you may my new slaves, its been a while since I got new slaves. Kate just follow Carrie's lead she will teach you all you need to know, but here is the basic gist. You are now my slave, you will do as I say and always call me Miss Amber. As long as you do that things will go very smoothly. Now I'm tired of standing here, get up and get on your knees before me." They both silently followed her order, and surprisingly Kate offered no resistance. Miss Amber then made them give her a manicure and pedicure, then made them lick her feet for hours. What a very productive day Miss Amber thought.
  • 标签:lets(1) talked(1) slipping(1) slapped(1) ran(1) room(1) picked(1) mall(1)


