女王小说网 > 女王小说 > 人皆可奴(二-最终章)(8)


The slaves obeyed their owner and another wild and crazy night had come to an end.

Part 23

Months had passed now and the four girls were now done with high school. Since Kelly had become a slave she had become very submissive and she was now as much a slave as Shawna was. They had both gone through weeks of serving their mistresses 24/7 at home and at school and had grown use to the embarrassment and humiliation that came with it. Mean while Amber and Carrie were enjoying the good life. They never did any school work, thats what slaves were for and they had both graduated with 4.0 GPAs. Amber and Carrie had also both been accepted into the same school, which was the local state school about a two hour drive from their homes. Of course they would be bringing their slaves with them who would not be attending school. Tiffany Kelly's mother would be paying for an off campus apartment and all other living expenses. Amber's mother would be paying the girl's college tuition, because she was the only one of the adults who made any sort of money.?


Once the girls had arrived at their new very large and expensive apartment they kept to themselves for the most part for the weekend before college started. Amber had been doing a lot of thinking about what college would bring. Amber thought it would be fun to join a sorority, however if you wanted to join a sorority it usually meant that you would have to become a pledge for a period of time. She thought there was no way that she would be doing that. During the first week of school Amber looked around at the sorority options and decided that Alpha-Phi-Beta was the one to go for. That was the one that all the seemingly high class rich girls were attracted to. Amber went up to the sign-up table and sitting there was the president of the sorority. Her name was Becky a tall dark haired very confident looking girl. Amber asked about joining. Becky the president rather rudely responded "Well you have to have an interview first." Then handed her schedule to Amber. Amber did not like her tone of voice and said "Ok, next monday works for me" and then handed Becky a piece of paper with her address on it, then said "You can stop by anytime in the afternoon." Becky surprisingly said "Ok sounds good, I like you." At that the conversation was over and Amber left to go back to her apartment.? nwxs5.cc

Monday afternoon came soon enough and Becky showed up to Amber's apartment at around 2pm Carrie and Kelly were out on a shopping trip so she would have the whole apartment free for a few hours. Becky rang the door bell and when Amber heard it ordered Shawna to answer the door and then to show Becky to the living room. Shawna obeyed. Amber let Becky wait about five minutes and then made her way into the living room. She then snapped her fingers and said "Shawna, feet." at that Shawna kneeled at Amber's feet and began massaging them. Becky a little shocked tried to begin the interview, however Amber seemingly ignoring Becky speaking said "Yeah I'm interested in this sorority because it will look good on my resume, but I am not at all interested in being one of those pledge things. As you can see I am use to being served not serving others. Surly you can understand this your the president." Becky answered "Yes, but..." Amber then interrupted "You were a pledge once right?" Becky responded "Well yes, I guess" with a quizzical look on her face. Amber then continued "Well it would be an honor for you if I jointed this sorority so why don't you pledge yourself to me?" Becky totally confused took a while to understand, it was definitely to long for Amber who then said "I would love someone to rub my other foot, get down and do it." Of course Becky tried to object, but in the end Amber won as she always won. After Becky had been rubbing Amber's feet for about ten minutes Amber said "Becky I like our new relationship, from now on you call me Miss Amber and I want you and the rest of your sorority over here every day doing what I say." Becky replied "Yes Miss Amber." Amber loved this, Becky was a quick learned. It was only 2:45pm plenty of time to get all of Becky's sorority over. She had Becky text all of her friends and by 3pm they had all arrived at Amber's apartment. Amber then had Becky explain that Miss Amber was now in charge and that everyone was to do as she said. It was fantastic. Amber sat down on the couch ordered one girl to be her footstool, Shawna and Becky to give her a pedicure, another two girls to give her a manicure, another girl to rub her back, another girl to hold a magazine for her to read, another two girls to fan her and finally another girl to stand by with a diet coke in case she got thirsty. There were about ten girls left after that and Amber ordered them to get to work cleaning the apartment. Amber truly felt like a Queen being spoiled and pampered more than she had in her whole life.?
  • 标签:lets(1) talked(1) slipping(1) slapped(1) ran(1) room(1) picked(1) mall(1)


